responsive web design

Website DESIGN

Responsive Web Design

30 Dec , 2015  

Most new clients in the current days need a mobile version on their website. It’s practically essential after all one design can be used by some mobile versions, and screens are compatible too.  In the past years, there have been some innovations that have improved on the responsive web design.

In the study of Web development and design, it is reaching a point we cannot cope up with the endless technology of new resolution in the devices.  It is mainly hard to create a website version For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical. Should we just suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one device, for the benefit of gaining visitors from another? Or is there another option? There are some reasons as to why we should involve in responsive web design.

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Responsive Web design can be define as an approach that mainly suggests that a development and design should respond to the users’ environment and behavior based on platform, orientation, and screen size.  This practice consists a combination of layouts and flexible grids, images and use of CSS media queries intelligently. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically switch so as to accommodate for image size, scripting abilities and resolution. In other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market.

The Concept of Responsive Web Design

Mainly starts from the notion of responsive architectural design, whereby a room or space automatically adjusts to the number and flow of people that surround it.

Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and will bring something completely with a new idea. You need to know why should we create a custom Web design for each group of users; after all, architects don’t design a building for each group size and type that passes through it? Like responsive architecture, Web design should automatically adjust. It should not require countless custom-made solutions for each new category of users.

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In other words, we can’t use robotics and motion sensors to accomplish this in the right way. Responsive Web design needs a more abstract way of thinking. Therefore, some ideas are being practiced like media queries, fluid layouts, and scripts used to reformat web pages and update automatically.

But responsive Web design is not only about adjustable screen resolutions and automatically resizable images, but rather about a whole new way of thinking about design. Let’s talk about all of these features, plus additional ideas in the making.

Adjusting Screen Resolution

Most of the devices have different definitions, varying screen resolutions, and orientation. The introduction of new devices come up with varying resolutions in the screen due to the advanced in development each day. Some are in portrait, others landscape and others are made of a complete square.

In addition to designing for both landscape and portrait, we need to put into consideration different screen sizes. This is possible since you can group them into their major categories, make each design flexible, and make different designs for each. Overall all this can be overwhelming. Besides, many users do not maximize their browsers, which itself leaves far too much room for variety among screen sizes.

In conclusion, the major benefit to designing responsively is that you don’t have to create multiple versions of a website nor do you have to spend extra marketing dollars convincing your audience to download a native app.

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